Saturday, February 23, 2008

Here's looking at VOWOL, kid.

For March
The voice of Jimmy Neutron Debi Derryberry,
Casting Director Zach Hanks,
Anime Producer Rita Majkut, and
Dallas Travers from SAGE marketing joining us.

March is "officially" booked up, but on a few nights, a few actors
have other commitments. Please email me if you are interested in just
a single or a few nights, and I'll fill in the spaces for ya.

Meantime, join us for the "Not A Demo Demo" course beginning in mid-
March. I am so excited about this. is coming up the end of March. Two of the best
Voice Over coaches in the world! Spaces are surprisingly still

Also the calendar that allows the above two events to be managed by
this internet / database thingy -- the developer is plugging away.
It's very close to having tests. Please email me if you want to play
around, see what you like don't like about it. It's fun because you
get to use play money.

Whew! Thanks, and looking forward to hearing from you!
